These are the right Stoles for any special occasion where you nee something which is Shimmery and comfortable as well. An easy to handle Shimmer Hijab which do not Slips and Stretchy as well making it possible to adopt any style which suits your personality. These have everything which you are looking for in a Hijab Stole for party wear, thickness is perfect to cover your hair and at the same time they are extremely comfortable to wear in all seasons and at all occasions.
Specifications and Care
Shape: Long rectangle
Thickness: Light-Medium
Weight: Medium
Texture: Soft and Stretchy
Visibility: Opaque
Creasing: No Issues of Creasing
Requirement of Under scarf: No
Fabric Description:
• Cotton and Polyester mix
• 72″ x 28″
Hand Wash and tumble Dry. Do not Spin
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